Smith & Wesson M&P Shield Pistols
One of the top pistols that Magholder has supported since our inception was the Smith & Wesson M&P Shield pistols! This is one of the most affordable, reliable and easy to shoot pistols. It's size also makes it an easy option for concealed carry! The Shield pistols are a great beginner pistol for someone wanting to get into handguns and also considering conceal carry!
The quality of the Smith & Wesson M&P pistols are top notch, my personal Shield has been thrown in a hunting pack, suitcase, and been carried all over the country! It still shoots the same as it did when I first bought it! The beauty of this pistol, it is very simple and quick to clean and to keep functioning in a pristine condition.

When I was considering what pistol I wanted to carry for hunting I looked at a few different options, ultimately I knew I wanted a pistol that was a polymer grip to keep it light, I also wanted a pistol that wasn't too expensive in case it got damaged, stolen or if I lost it while hiking around the mountains! The M&P Shield pistol checked all those boxes for me! Luckily for me I have never needed to use it, but it has always given me a peace of mind knowing I have that with me!
I think I will upgrade it someday as there are many other options available to me in the concealed carry world, however I will never sell or get rid of the M&P Shield pistol due to it being by my side for such a long time.
We have plenty of other customers who are obviously in the same boat as me as we sell and support so many of them with a Magholder that helps them conceal that spare magazine in a horizontal hand orientation!
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