1911 Pistols For Days
My 1911 pistol was one of the first pistols I bought when I first started my obsession with firearms! After I first got married to my lovely wife I realized I needed to protect my wife and future family! I did not grow up in a family myself that ever had that sort of protection and so I had no education in the industry of what I should be looking for. After a little bit of research I landed on the 1911 for a quality pistol in the .45 ACP caliber that would allow me to protect my family! I had heard of the 1911 plenty of times and seen the name as well so it was familiar and iconic so when I found the one I wanted I jumped on it!

The Magholder for 1911 magazines is one of our most popular models that we sell every single day! It seems just about everyone that is a firearm enthusiast has to have a 1911 pistol in their arsenal. I personally still have my 1911 and have acquired a few others since like a Colt 1911 and a Kimber 1911 and will most likely add more if the right opportunity comes along.
There are so many firearms manufacturers that make a 1911, every single one of them makes a fantastic 1911 pistol and their 1911 magazines fit into our Magholder, those brands include the list below and others that are not listed:
- Kimber 1911 magazines
- Smith & Wesson 1911 magazines
- Colt 1911 magazines
- Remington 1911 magazines
- Browning 1911 magazines
- Ithaca 1911 magazines
- Taurus 1911 magazines
- Sig sauer 1911 magazines
- Dan Wesson 1911 magazines
- Rock Island Armory 1911 magazines
- Springfield Armory 1911 magazines
- Ruger 1911 magazines
- Wilson Combat 1911 magazines
- Vickers Tactical 1911 magazines
- Auto Ordnance 1911 magazines
If you don't see your 1911 model listed reach out to us on our Contact Us page and we will respond quickly! If you are ready to start carrying your 1911 magazine in a horizontal mag carrier place your order and we'll get you set up to start conceal carrying a spare magazine!
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