Do I need a right side or left side version?
Horizontal Spare Mag Pouch Orientation
Check out our NEW Magholder Orientation Tool that has been designed to help you figure out what orientation you need for your horizontal magazine pouch.
VIEW TOOLThere is no right or wrong way to carry the Magholder. There are many different ways our horizontal mag pouch can be carried to best suit the concealed carry shooter, match shooter, or LEO/military.
Typically, the shooter reaches for their spare mag with the support hand, sweeping it out of the magazine holster either to the rear from the weak side, or from across the front midline in a crossdraw motion. Both positions are extremely fast but the crossdraw position allows access to the magazine from a sitting position, such as in a vehicle or theater seat.
The Magholder mag pouch has been designed to have the bullets facing down. The reason is most shooters pull the magazine out of the horizontal mag carrier with their index finger along the bottom of the magazine, which then allows the magazine to be immediately inserted into the pistol.

We do have plenty of customers that prefer to have their bullets facing up versus down, this can be achieved by purchasing the opposite hand orientation you are used to, and placing it upside down on your belt.
Simplifed mag pouch orientation
- Are you a right or left handed shooter? Meaning do you pull the trigger with the finger on your rigtht or left hand? This would be considered your strong hand.
- Your other hand would be your support or weak hand. This is the hand you will be using to grab the spare magazine with in any situation.
- Now determine if you want to pull to the front or the rear.
- If you are right handed, you would pull the magazine with your left hand. If you want to pull the magazine to the rear you would choose the "Left Hand to the Rear" orientation option. If you are left handed, you would pull the magazine with your right hand. If you want to pull the magazine to the rear you would choose the "Right Hand to the Rear" orientation option.
Right handed pistol shooters
If you are a right handed shooter, you will likely grab your spare mag with your left hand, and thus, use the "Left Side to the Rear" version MagHolder. The Left Hand Magholder is designed to be pulled to the rear on the left side with the left hand, or you can wear it on your right side and pull it to the front in a cross draw with your left hand.
Right Handed Shooter Options (not a definitive list)
- Magholder on left side, pulled to the rear
- Magholder on right side, pulled to the front
- Magholder in appendix position, pulled in cross draw
- Magholder in small of back, pulled in a rear cross draw
Left handed pistol shooters
If you are left handed, you will likely grab your spare magazine with your right hand, or the "Right Side to the Rear" version MagHolder. The Right Hand Magholder is designed to be pulled to the rear on the right side with the right hand, or you can wear it on your left side and pull it to the front in a cross draw with your right hand.
Left Handed Shooter Options (not a definitive list)
- Magholder on right side, pulled to the rear
- Magholder on left side, pulled to the front
- Magholder in appendix position, pulled in cross draw
- Magholder in small of back, pulled in a rear cross draw
See the below images that are helping illustrate the different orientations and how they could be used.